Friday 14 September 2012


Listen Up Manchester Album Rating: 7/10

Here at Listen Up Manchster we like to keep our reviews simple - aimed at the music fan on the go rather than delivering a detailed essay on the complex melodies and vocal arrangements of an album along with a load of other waffle. So to put it simply The XX's second album "Coexist" is basically the first album part 2. This is not neccessarily a bad thing (the first album was brilliant!), and a 2nd album always has that balance of either repeating yourself or being a completely radicle departure. I didnt find that there were any immediate stand out tracks (like VCR or Crytalised on the debut), but overall still a strong album & it does have that same mixture of melancholy & beauty over a deep & sparse soundscape for which we know and love the XX. After a good few listens we would put our favourite track on Coexist as:

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